Saturday, October 31, 2009


Disrespectful - doesn't listen when I say something

Always saying "I told you so"

And if I talk to her she'll just say "stop being a bitch. shut up." (acting childish)



I always give people the benefit of the doubt...and if I don't it's for good reason.

But when someone abuses this and doesn't even realize it, it can get to me!

I still don't think she realizes how hard it is to not be rude to her back. She doesn't even REALIZE how inconsiderate she can be...and it pisses me off.

I wish she had more empathy, but this isn't how she is, she doesn't seem like she's built to care about other people as much as she cares about herself.

To not even listen to what people say, to always have the "I told you so" mentality, to always prove people wrong and not even let them have a's just...mind-blowing. It also pisses me off to no end.

There was a point where I had no more chances. But I gave her another one.

Now I think it might be time to take that one back.

Pray for me.


So today I went to Koinonia's Bible Study.

IT was MASSIVE. Like hundreds. Jeez louise.

Such a huge fellowship.

I got to see Kelly too! Haven't seen her in awhile.

The pastor's message was Matthew 20:1-16

Woot woot such a great speaker, I saw him at Grace Point last Sunday toooooo!

Today he basically spoke to me on the topic of levels.

People aren't better than others, there's no such thing as better, because in God's eyes we are all the same, his children. He loves us all the same.

I wish everyone knew this super amazing fact about Him...


Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last Night / Confucius

Wow I was mad last's incredible what "sleeping on it" can do for me.
It seriously does work for me.

It even makes me less angry about the situation in general.

I'm the type to get the anger out now, and not hold it in.

Bottling up anger is so bad...for me. I used to do it a lot, then explode on people randomly. It was bad.

I'd rather annoy people for a short period of time a lot, then to bother them constantly over a longer period of time.

Confucius was a beast, by the way.
Translated many texts, he was sort of like Van Gogh, no one liked his stuff until after he died :P (not exactly)

One thing my book says about Confucius is that he was quick to say he might be wrong, and would always be prepared if he made a mistake to admit that he did make a mistake.

That is humility.

Annoying a Friend

I felt like I annoyed all three of my close female friends I saw today.

In different ways of course.

But the most important was Zoe, cause she made a point.

All I do is complain about him to her, and she made a good point "just stop hanging out with him."

He hangs out with us...

I really don't like hanging out with him. Always trying to prove people wrong, judge people, be a Jew with money, etc etc etc.

If you're so damn smart go invent something, go be someone.

We on the other hand are still sorting out our lives, so please don't get in our ways with your snide, stupid comments.

Friday, October 23, 2009


What is flirting?

flirt: playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest

Sweet Jesus.

There is a limit to when you're being too nice to someone, this is flirting. When you're putting yourself out there just to be the center of attention is also flirting.

Sigh...I really can't stand people that are flirty that don't even realize it. AROUSE. SEXUAL. INTEREST.

That's serious stuff!

Not to be taken lightly, y'all.

I admit I can flirt but I need to not flirt...seriously need to not.

I respect women so much some call me a Feminist, so I feel sometimes flirting with them is not respecting them.

But there are times when women can't draw the line between being considerate and flirty when in a group setting or when hanging out with someone of the opposite sex.


Thursday, October 22, 2009


I really really really admire Max and Eugene's blogs.

I like them a lot.

They are quite eloquent. I am not a boss at eloquency. (That was not even a word, fail)


Although I have a Xanga too (that I never update lawl) I shall be using this too. 'Cause I like how clean Blogger is.