Monday, December 21, 2009

Older Guys

I get it ladies.

Older guys attract you.

But like...why?

Other than that they are older, what exactly attracts you?

Oh they have a good job?

Oh they're in college!

Oh they're desperate enough to date someone 4+ years younger than them (college guys) :P

Just...I have a buddy in Colorado and she always dates older guys ever since we were in high school, like I'm talking 21 year olds when she was's like...uhh.

Girls say it's cause guys that are older are more mature.

Um...maybe it's just their personality? Ever think of that?

Yes, most guys that are older are more mature and more gentleman-ly, but that doesn't mean all us guys the same age are immature...

I admit I'm immature but I know many guys older than me that are super immature.

Look at all the guys that live for themselves: they go clubbing, drive fast cars, get bitches, etc. But that's not maturity to me.

Maturity is looking for something to settle with. These guys sound like they are just going wild and free and not looking.

This also leads to why I'm so impressed with younger people (younger than me even) that aren't wild and free, they know what they want and they're working for it.

To talk about the former, these guys have good jobs, sure. They're students, sure. But they only do it for $ to go clubbing, drive fast cars, and get bitches. :P

I'm exaggerating (as I always do).

Just...tired of girls around my age always looking for older guys. It's just plain creepy at times.

Hail! Hail! to the girls dating guys younger than them.

My mom is one of them :D

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I want to SCREAM.

FIRST you say I ignore you and don't call you to hang out.

THEN when I try to hang out you say "oohhh finals I can't hang out"

LASTLY I see you eating with people that I'm cool with...and you don't even THINK to call me.

Thanks a FUCKING lot.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

To a certain AWESOME Korean girl

We will miss you so much!

When you told me where you're applying to for grad school I was like "aww, no NorCal colleges..."

It's okay! We shall meet again, and I KNOW you'll visit us.

Silver Trembling Hands! You are so epic for that, and I hope you stay super cool as you are now.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



What does it entail?

What's been bothering me lately is sexual innocence.

I'm a virgin, I've never had sexual intercourse.

This does relate to my "people are too loose with sex" post.

But innocence.

How is sexual innocence lost so easily?

Why is American culture so filled with sexual sin?

So filled with sexual desire, lust, flesh...


I love my friend, but she told me how she "did stuff with that guy when they had a thing"

I love my other friend, but she told me how "her last bf just always wanted to &%#$"

Sigh...why are we so lax about it?

People don't realize it's for babies.

Sex = Child/Children

Yes, God made it feel good, but we take that too lightly.

Just...frustrated that people are so lax about it.




Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Flaming Lips

was like that, except Eunice and I were in the 5th row(ish) and everyone was chanting along (aka more epic!)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Being in a fellowship isn't an ambiguous option.

Specifically, you're in a Christian fellowship.

Not a fun fellowship,
not a hangout fellowship,
not a sports fellowship,
not a club fellowship,

but a CHRISTian fellowship.

For example, say you've never played Hockey before in your life, never watched a Hockey game, and have no interest in Hockey WHY OH WHY would you join a Hockey Club!? YOU WOULDN'T.

Be in it for it, itself.
God isn't ambiguous.
He isn't saying "oh whatevers, you can chill with us even if you don't care about who I am, what I've done for your life, my sacrifice and all, just come chill with us, whatever."



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Realized

I take a lot of people's quips too seriously...I get butthurt by them, even.

I'm such a pansy.